White mother of pearl turtle brooch
Product Code SKU20644.White mother of pearl turtle brooch, silver plated. Approximate size is 39mm x 20mm.
Mother of Pearl has historically been used as a decorative enhancement for jewellery. As its name suggests it is part of the pearl grown process but not exclusively. Mother of Pearl is also found in diverse shells such as trochus, abalone, nautilus shell and a select number of sea snail shells. Polished finish is a beautiful lustrous pearlescence which due to its reflective finish is wearable with a complimentary selection of worn colours. Density and size of various shell allow for a variety of sizes in beads and free shapes which Driftwood Jewellers use with other natural material and some selected glass beads to create this range of necklaces, bracelets and earrings.
This piece comes beautifully presented and gift boxed.